15 February 2013

loves it

The blonde man and I have this odd little tradition of celebrating valentine's day on the fifteenth of february. Con says, "we do what we want" but, if I remember correctly, it is a tradition born out of limited funds and a dislike of crowds. The day after valentine's day is when the festive treats and blossoms are on sale and the restaurants are quieter. 

Somehow we feel like we are winning. 

Have a great week, champs. 

xx aubrie.

Photos from born to be wild, miss moss x 2, tomboy style, bows and studs x 2, and frou frouu x 2. 


  1. where does one purchase that sweet "holy shit i love you" shirt?

  2. http://store.jacvanek.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=HOLYSHIT-MUSCLETEE
