05 July 2010

guerilla historians

Fourteen minutes ago I found out about Miru Kim. And I have to share. She is an American-born, Korean-raised artist who studied in Massachusetts and New York. She photographs the underbellies of international metropolises. Her fictional character is naked in order to avoid "cultural implications or time specific elements". She says, "I like doing more than just exploring these spaces. I feel an obligation to animate and humanize these spaces continually in order to preserve their memories in a creative way before they are lost forever." Her series is called Naked City Spleen. She also has worked with film and theatre.

revere sugar, brooklyn

old aqueduct, bronx

les catacombes de paris

river tyburn, london

morgue, letchworth

farm colony, staten island

nursing home, brooklyn

The last image is my absolute favourite.

Images from http://www.mirukim.com/. Quotations from Miru Kim @ 2008 EG Conference, courtesy of TED, "Miru Kim: Making art of New York's urban ruins" (11 December 2008), http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/miru_kim_s_underground_art.html.

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